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A basic guide of what you need to know to offer the best experience to your online customers and the experiences of your consumers with these tips and keys.


Stages of the Customer Journey

  • Discovery: this is the beginning of the Customer Journey, here people find your business through advertisements, social networks, by their conversations with friends, among others. Right now, they are prospects who don't know anything about your product or service, they still need to be educated before being considered potential customers.
  • Consideration: here a need or desire awakens in the prospect that prompts him to seek the purchase of something that solves a problem. He begins to inform himself, compare options, contact businesses to clarify doubts, read recommendations and comments and prepare to make a decision.
  • Decision: finally, the Buyer Persona reaches a reduced list of suppliers, with their products or services, that will help them solve their problem, at this stage they simply reduce the list further until they make a decision.






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