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Business Model Canvas

Visualize your business model and the value proposition your company offers, in order to define it concretely.



A business model canvas is a visual tool that allows you to design, analyze and improve a company's business model in a clear and structured way. It is composed of several blocks that represent key aspects such as customers, value proposition, channels, revenue streams, resources and key activities.

It serves to identify opportunities, align teams, and make more informed strategic decisions, allowing companies to adapt to market changes and optimize their growth.



What can you achieve with this

With the business model canvas, you could obtain:

Clear vision of your business: visualize all the key components of your business in one place, making it easier to understand how they interrelate.
Opportunity identification: Discover areas for innovation or improvement, whether in your value proposition, customer relationships or revenue streams.
Strategic decision making: Evaluate options and focus on the initiatives that bring the most value to your business.
Efficiency improvement: Identify inefficiencies or areas that need adjustment to optimize key resources and activities.
Adaptability: Helps you quickly adjust your business model in response to market changes or new opportunities.


And get our business model Canvas 

Successfully define your business model and value proposition


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